
If you donā€™t know who Joan Benoit Samuelson is, please hand over your endurance athlete card now. Beloved Joanie is a f*cking badass. Her list of achievements is incredible, and is truly one of the ā€˜Founding Womenā€™ in endurance sports and American distance running. Watch the video above to get a bit of a history lesson from Joanie herself; then read this article for some extra credit.

Now, Joanie just crossed off another major accolade in her storied running career; the coveted World Majors 6-Star Medal. This is a special medal awarded to any athlete that has completed all 6 World Major events (Chicago Marathon, Tokyo Marathon, Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon, Berlin Marathon, and the London Marathon).

In this weekā€™s email:

  • Fast As Hell: Xavier Worthy goes 4.21 seconds in the 40-Yard Dash. Holy Sh*t.

  • Another Lulu Dupe: We donā€™t have the cash to drop $100 on 10 oz. of running shorts. Buy these - theyā€™re tried and true from Yours Truly.

  • Vintage Kicks: Brooks Running has been around for a while; now that vintage is back, check out these ACTUALLY vintage running shoes. Sā€™cute.

šŸ‘‡Listen to a Cadence-recommended Playlist: Tony Starkā€™s Workshop movie scenes are all a VIBE. We tried cycling to this playlist - 10/10 highly suggest.

Insta Post of the Week: The pop singer, Mike Posner, has a long list of hits; but heā€™s also got some hits outside of the studio, too. Heā€™s walked coast to coast of the United States, and summited Mount Everest. Heā€™s your reminder that itā€™s never too late to cut the BS and chase the best, healthiest version of yourself.

Race Results of the Week


āœ…Climber takes on 70.3: Sasha DiGiulian, World Champion rock climber, took to the Latin American streets in Panama to complete a 70.3. She might have (literally) conquered mountains, but triathlon is a new sport to her; and her first tri was also her first 70.3. AMAZING.

āœ…Gatorade reimaginesā€¦water? Gatorade had a HUGE launch party last week to unveil their latest groundbreaking project; Gatorade Water. Yes; you read us right. No flavor, no bubbles, justā€¦water. Weā€™d say try some, but itā€™s actually sold out on their site.

āœ…Women Tri is BACK: If youā€™ve been in the triathlon scene for a few decades; you were probably around for the womenā€™s only tris that seemed to be a dime a dozen. Then, as we progressed through the 2000s and 2010s, womenā€™s only events have dwindled down to nearly nothing. Now, theyā€™re slowly making a comeback and honestly - weā€™re here for it. Itā€™s more than just making a pink logo and giving away pink shirts. Read how these event companies are making a difference in womenā€™s sport.

āœ…Peloton - Ultrarunning Crossover: Susie Chan is one of the most popular Peloton instructors on their platform. While she knocks it out of the park in the studio; she admits that sheā€™s an ā€˜averageā€™ runner on the streets and trails. Take this as you may; but it shows us not all cardio is transferrable. Just because someone is in tip-top shape on a bike does NOT mean that transfers to being a knockout runner on the track. Keep grinding.

šŸƒJobs in Endurance Sports

If youā€™re like us; your dream job is one in endurance sports. We eat, breathe and sleep endurance sports; professionally and ā€œfor fun.ā€ If you want to chase your dream job in the endurance industry, check out the new postings below. Thereā€™s some good finds!

Daniela Ryf announced her SURPRISE retirement last week. This woman has gone ā€˜The Distanceā€™ more than we can count; sheā€™s left her mark on the endurance world, and will surely be missed. Will she come back as a celeb commentator in future IM events?

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